
not-so-known facts.

I want to share some beauty tips that I learned from Michelle Phan's page on youtube, i will post the video link at the bottom.

This girl is very brilliant, she started off as a make-up tutorialist on youtube and now she's quite famous in the make-up industry. She became the spokesperson of Lancome, and just recently she launched skincare products called IQQU.

Some of my favourite beauty tips from her:
1. Cleaning face with rice water.
If you have some organic rice at your house, try this.. it's very refreshing and it's very very easy. You just need water, one cup of organic rice (less chemical on organic products), a container to store the rice water and some cotton pads.
2. Lip scrub with Honey, Sugar and Vaseline.
I do lip scrub twice a week, it keeps my lips soft and subtle. So, you just mix the three ingredients and just scrub you lips for approximately 3mins and gently wipe it with soft cloth.
3. Home made pore strips.
This one works wonders for me :) I love it i love it....  we only need two ingredients! Unflavored gelatin and milk.. ha! how easy is that....?! mix the two ingredients then put it a small microwaveable container, and microwave it for 10seconds... wait until it cools off to put on your nose, so you don't get burnt.. then apply thinly, wait until it gets dry and peel it! VOILA...... you're blackheads free now :)

This is the link to her page *Michelle Phan*

PS: All credit goes to Michelle Phan, I'm just passing on her beauty message :)

Enjoy loves!


  1. kudu langsung dicoba! btw yg pore stripnya ga usah pake kaen2an jadi langsung diusepin ke idung gitu?

  2. Iya nad, cuma diolesin tipis2 aja.. biar gampang dicabut..
