
I could go for a walk to.....

We might not have many asian supermarkets in town, but at least we have Marble Slab :)
They have tasty varieties of ice creams... hmmm yummmm!!!

My asian stomach's acting up!

I have been craving Indonesian food for a month now, unfortunately, I crave the hard-to-find-ingredients ones! Yes, Canada might be the land of immigrants but not the "part" I'm in, this city is so small and coloured skin like myself is a minor. Therefore, It's is almost impossible to find the herbs and spices needed in this city.. So different with the last city I lived in, we immigrants were majority hahahaha.. . So I decided to make something small, easy to make but still cure my homesickness :'( that is LUMPIA.

The ingredients are very easy to find...
  • 300gr of lean ground beef
  • 150gr bean sprouts
  • 1 Medium carrot
  • 3 Medium shallots
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 stacks of green onions
  • 1 tbsp of salt
  • 1 tbsp of ground pepper
  • 1 pack of frozen spring roll wrap 
  • White part of egg (just one egg)
  • Enough oil to deep fry the lumpia
 Cooking instructions:
  • You need to cook the filling first, so fry the shallots,garlics and ground beef first.
  • Add the remaining ingredients, don't over cook them because we're going to fry them again with the wrapper
  • Put them aside to cool off for 10 minutes
  • Once they've cooled off, you can start putting them inside the wrapper then seal it with the white egg, repeat until filling is finish.
  • Heat the oil for deep frying the lumpia.. Once it's ready then start deep frying them...
this is the outcome of my lumpia 



word of the day: CHANGE.

"I've changed"

This statement is heavy. Indeed...

Most of us want to let go of the past (not only love-wise but in general) and move on.. Unfortunately, this can be a good thing but also a "bad" thing.

It's a good thing because usually changing ourselves means we are improving ourselves. We usually make changes for a bigger cause. In my case, it is.

Now, some people might view our changes as a "bad" thing because......... to them, we might appeal "not fun" anymore, or we are no longer the person they used to know.
Their point of view is correct, we are no longer the person they used to know, we've left the past behind and we want to start fresh by not returning to such old behaviour..

Declaring a transition is always tough especially to your close friends, but you know, If your friends are true- they will always be on your side and be supportive. At the end of the day, we'll get through it.. It just takes time... :)





covetousness - [kuhv-i-tuh-s]–adjective: an envious eagerness to possess something 

Verily, every human beings have their own problems be that jealousy, possessiveness, passiveness, addictions.. but the most common problem we face is covetousness.. 

What makes me say that covetousness is the common denominator here? Well, simply because I know a lot of people can't get enough of "things"... Even myself. A lot of girls, us, we can't get enough of pretty things such as shoes, clothes, accessories, bags, such and such... My biggest problem is greed towards handbags.. and i tell you.. IT'S BAD. When I was working, I spent most of my paychecks buying handbags.. Thesedays, I kinda slowed down on buying handbags cuz my husband would freaked out!!! I'm starting to get irritated when I caught myself browsing for more :(

I know as human beings we have traits that we cant fight, it is given that we're not perfect, but this kind of problem is fightable (I BELIEVE SO)!! We just have to try harder (I'm writing these down because I also need a reminder he he), and live with what we have.. be happy with it and enjoy it! If anything, we should challenge our creativity on making our old junks into something new and exciting (DIY diva HA!)

Of course we can reward ourselves after working hard on some projects or something but we should also limit ourselves the spending of that reward, rethink before buying stuff.. Be wise!!!

If I could turn back time, I would so love to refund some of those useless stuff I bought while I was making money.. The thing is, when we are making money and not married- we have the tendency to buy all the things that we want- we don't even think if we need it or not.. Why? Cuz in our head, we think "I deserve to get these pretty things, I've worked hard for it!!" So then we just go ahead and buy! Isn't like that girls??! :)

So pretty ladies out there, be wise with your money!!! it's very important to teach yourself this cuz budgeting skill is substantial to have when you're married!!! :) :)


I was diagnosed with...

ASTIGMATISM - "the cornea (the clear tissue covering the front of the eye) is abnormally curved, causing vision to be out of focus"

No wonder my glasses doesn't work well these days.. 
When I went to see the doctor she said that she's not going to give me another prescription, reason being that my astigmatism isn't that bad (yet), so she gave me this tip for eye exercise it's called "Pencil Push Ups" it's good but i get tired very fast... It really makes the eye muscles work! hard!! 

During the eye exams she asked me couple of questions regarding of what I do (daily)... Simply I answered:
"I do a lot of reading from my laptop, I read under dim lights, I stare at my Blackberry when its pitch black in my room, I squint when i read...." then she goes... "when you were young you never did eye exercise?" hahaha to be honest- up until that point i never knew that such exercise matters lol...

So she told me to come back to her office in 4 weeks, within this 4 weeks I have to do the pencil push ups 3 times a day.. I really hope that my vision will get better from this exercise.. amen!

Lesson learned from this?
Eye exercise is just as important as any other exercise.

How to exercise eye muscles in general?

Strengthen the eye muscles!
  • Roll your eyes in complete circles, up, right, down and left. Repeat in the other direction. Continue until your eyes begin to feel slightly tired.
  • Shut your eyes and squeeze them together as tightly as possible. Open your eyes. Repeat the entire exercise 10 to 15 times.
  • Cross your eyes and stare at the tip of your nose. Hold the position as long as you can and then close and relax your eyes. Begin with two or three repetitions and work up to at least 10 repetitions.
Improve your visual focus!!
  • Look at something in the far distance, at least a 1 KM away. It doesn't matter if you can really "see" it, but looking at objects in the far distance is a good way to work on the muscles that help with eye focus. Hold it for five seconds.
  • Look at something mid-range, or about a block away. Try to focus as clearly as possible. Hold it for five seconds.
  • Cycle through the exercises several times a day.
These exercises are the ones my doctor suggested as well, but i found the complete explanation from How to Exercise The Eye Muscles